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3/7/2013 01:44:45 am

I have a couple of questions. You require PDF format for submitted scripts. No problem there, it's standard. The way your submission interface works, however, takes out all of the formatting. The copy and paste is not a good way to submit.

Also, on your free 10 page coverage, when I click the PayPal link, PayPal refuses it because the amount is $0. Should we just submit the 10 pages?

4/21/2013 06:25:40 am

Script Valet has changed my writing! Suggestions were very, very helpful. I am a High Concept, skilled writer, with regular writer-for-hire work....But there's always more to learn on my on screenplays... For instance I had a character called, The Sultan, it was suggested I give him a full name if he is to be a reoccurring character...turns out by do this, it revealed more meaning to his role in the story and ended up unraveling an to important thread of information throughout the script, increasing the subplot action!
It's hard to get feedback on scene/character descriptions, Phil's guidance helped me finally understand how to write what is seen not thought!
Bravo Script Valet, I highly recommend your services for anyone who needs fresh eyes on their work.


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